Wzgórza Andaluzji usiane są białymi wioskami i miasteczkami tzw. pueblos blancos. Leżą one na terenie gór Sierra de Grazalema oraz Parque Natural de la Sierra de Grazalema. Białe miasteczka są do siebie podobne. Prosta zabudowa, białe ściany, czerwone dachy i zieleń okolicznych wzgórz tworzą piękny i fascynujący widok. Jednym z takich miast jest Ronda z niesamowitym mostem Puente Nuevo.
The Andalusian hills are dotted with white villages and towns called pueblos blancos. They're located in the Sierra de Grazalema and Parque Natural de la Sierra de Grazalema. White towns are similar to each other. Simple buildings, white walls, red roofs and the greenery of the surrounding create a beautiful and fascinating view. One of such cities is Ronda with the amazing Puente Nuevo bridge.
The Andalusian hills are dotted with white villages and towns called pueblos blancos. They're located in the Sierra de Grazalema and Parque Natural de la Sierra de Grazalema. White towns are similar to each other. Simple buildings, white walls, red roofs and the greenery of the surrounding create a beautiful and fascinating view. One of such cities is Ronda with the amazing Puente Nuevo bridge.